LA Splash released their Limited Edition OUTLAW Palette on September 22, 2014. The collection was created by Celeb MUA Anubis aka @AnubisMakeup. The palette is only available online at and there is only a limited supply. Although I have not had my chance to grab this palette, I will be definitely grabbing it this week, if I am one of the lucky ones to get one of the limited supplies. Gotta get my fall looks ready!!!!
It's Fall now, so it's time to step into the Fall Makeup Trends. The staff over at Bazaar compiled a list of The Hottest Fall Makeup Trends of 2014. I'm not a fan of them all but its always good to stay up to date with the trends and then put your own spin to them. So here are a few of the trends they listed. You let me know if you do or will be rocking any........ (A lot of these looks are RUNWAY looks, so use wisdom when trying to try the looks out on a day to day basis). ![]() Be careful with this trend. This can go very wrong or very right!!! Altuzarra was a designer who happen to ![]() Lash Out Yesssssss, "Lashes are a girl's bestfriend" (Don't try to steal my slogan!!) Lashes have become the new must have. You can have on no makeup but if you have some banging lashes and the brows are on "fleek" (I just learned that word last night, Haaahaaa) then you are good to go! Check out those Lash Brat lashes for the BEST mink lashes out! ![]() Glow Getter One of my personal favorites. I'm all about the glow baby. Simplicity goes a long way in my book! ![]() Line Dance I love me some eyeliner, but I urge you all to not walk around looking gothic unless its for a Halloween party. This Tom Ford model gave us just enough liner without going overboard. I have had the pleasure of meeting some awesome men in the last few months. Since this is the Male Edition Week for Be Simply Stunning Beauty Blog, I thought I'd introduce you all to one. I truly believe that God ordained our connection. Since the day I met him we have continued to encourage one another and make sure each other is continuing to push for greatness and nothing less. He is one of the DOPEST barbers in Atlanta. I want you all to meet Step and I pray that you BE INSPIRED by this interview! StepTheBarber: Thank you for having me, I'm honored to have the invitation extended to me, and to be the "first male" is definitely icing on the cake.. I love being associated with positive causes I appreciate the opportunity to be apart of the BSS movement. BSS: We want to simply ask you a few questions just to see what the "Luxury Lifestyle" is about and find out what the journey has been for you developing this brand. StepTheBarber: (laughs) Ok, ok. I see you've done your homework. Luxury Lifestyle always sounds better to me when other people say it. Feedback from supporters help guide my movements. When people hash tag "Luxury Lifestyle" after they post a haircut picture on social media or they say it after they pay me, it shows that they believe in the brand as well as the man. BSS: Tell us briefly who is Step the Barber? StepTheBarber: Starting with my name, "The Barber" is obviously my job title but often times people ask where "Step" comes from. Step is actually short for Stephan (Stef*on) which is my first name. As far who I am on a professional level, when you see me, you see my entire business. I have every job title that larger companies hire different people to do from the president to the janitor. I'm my own Secretary, accountant, I do my own Public Relations and advertising and so much more. To be honest with you, Stepthebarber is also defined by who the people say I am (laughs). You could replace "TheBarber" with "TheLifeCoach", "TheComedian", "TheHealthConsultant" and many others. I think in this business, it's about more than haircuts and money, people want to connect with their barber and when they can, it provides comfort. Without comfort, you can't have Luxury. BSS: What was the inspiration behind you branding your work as the "Luxury Lifestyle"? StepTheBarber: By definition, luxury is the state of great comfort and extravagant living and of course a lifestyle is the way in which a person lives. Luxury shouldn't just be limited to the type of clothing you buy or the type of car to drive. When my clients come to see me, they are receiving an one of a kind, tailor made experience. The client is the center of attention, not me. I never want to become larger than my clients or my work because when that happens, it's impossible to live up to the hype. My brand is built off my work ethic but it is affirmed by the people. I honestly believe that it's because of these business practices that Step The Barber is becoming a household name. BSS: For a male or female who wants to be a barber and doesn't know how to achieve those goals, what 3 tips can you give them? StepTheBarber: First and probably the most important, FALL IN LOVE WITH THE GAME!!! Don't do it for money, fame, or accolades. In order for the greats like Michael Jordan, Lebron James, Picasso, Beethoven, etc to become who we know them as, they had to fall in love with what they do long before the "rewards" came. Secondly, RESPECT YOUR BUSINESS. This one can be broken down so many different ways but to keep it simple, respect your clients and their time, honor your commitments (appointments). Personal issues should never become an issue in your business unless absolutely unavoidable. Thirdly, accept critiques from your clients, remember you're providing a service and they're your boss. BSS: Who's hair have you had the pleasure of grooming, that it even shocked you that you were actually grooming them? StepTheBarber: I might tell my age on this one but when I was in high school, Ja Rule was on top of the rap game. (Laughs). So at 13, 14, 15, I'm seeing Ja all over BET, MTV, and VH1. Now fast forward to 2014. I wake up one morning and turn on the news, I saw that Ja was on the air here in Atlanta promoting his movie, "I'm In Love With A Church Girl". The news goes off, I finished getting dressed and head to work. As I'm riding down I-20 my phone rings and it's Ja Rule on the line telling me that he saw my Instagram and there was no way anyone else was going to cut him while he was here. Long story made short, it was definitely memorable. I've cut celebrities that are more active in today's media but the way whole thing played out was pretty cool. BSS: Should we expect more things to come from the "Luxury Lifestyle" brand? StepTheBarber: Always. The world is constantly moving so if you're stationary, you're actually moving backwards. I'm not some fly by night barber that got lucky and ended up where I am. It took hard work and consistency and I've had to constantly reinvent myself. I'm always exploring different avenues and business ventures (my own salon, a line of products, etc) so believe me, you'll see me. LUXURY LIFESTYLE As you can see Step is one person that you need to know! If you are ever in the Atlanta area and need a cut contact him so you can be apart of the Luxury Lifestyle. Don't Sleep, he got NOW!!!!!!!!!
Follow him on all social media sites to stay in the loop of what he has going on. TAKE CARE OF YOUR SKIN MEN!!!!
Men, the ladies love when your are well groomed. So here's a few tips to make sure you are living up to that. 1. Find a Good Cleanser for your skin type. (A good cleanser will help deep clean and remove debris in the pores that can lead to blemishes. 2. Wash your face at least twice a day. (Morning and before heading to sleep- Use cool or lukewarm water) 3. Exfoliate every few days. (Exfoliating leaves skin brighter and healthier. It also helps prepare your face for shaving by softening the hairs and skin, making for a smoother, closer shave with fewer nicks and less irritation.) 4. Use a daily moisturizer (Use one that's best for your skin type- Making sure to moisturize around your eyes)- The skin there is more apt to start sagging over time, and using cream will keep it looking fresh. 5. Keep those lips moisturized (Nothing worse than dry, chapped lips) 6. Invest in a good razor (If you know of good ones Fellas, leave a comment and share your findings with others.) All the fellas are talking about "It's Beard Gang Season" .... Well what are you doing to make sure things stay right in that area. A product that has been around for years, is the exact product that I have come to know as a quality go-to for anyone with highly textured hair or as the men say "apart of the BEARD GANG".
Sulfur8 is a range of hair care products consisting of shampoos, conditioners and hair oils. It heals and relives itchy scalp, while conditioning to aid in hair growth. Sulfur8 ingredients include 2% active sulfur, inactive lanolin, petrolatum, mineral oil and menthol. Tips for usage of Sulfur8 from Step The Barber of Atlanta are: "Use Sulfur8 hair lotion for scalp and beard daily. Thoroughly shampoo your hair and face using a rubber shampoo brush or a medium bristle brush no more than 1 hour prior to your haircut." He also recommends the guys taking a Biotin vitamin as directed, everyday!!!!! Let's see who is really about that Beard Gang life! ![]() This look was simple yet captivating. Felt so pretty I had to say, "Wait, before I go, let me take a SELFIE!!!" LOL I switched a few brands this time around but still got a beautiful finish. The look was inspired by the look Erica Pinkett wore on the LHHATL Reunion, that you can reference to under a previous post on the blog titled Stunning Looks of the Week.
Products used for this SIMPLY STUNNING look include: Foundation: Make Up Forever in N177 Concealer: MAC StudioFinish Concealer in NC45 Brows: Ruby Kisses Auto Pencil in Blk/Brn and Anatasia Beverly Hills Brow Dipbrow Pomade in Chocolate Powders: MAC Mineralize SkinFinish in Deep Dark, MAC Sheer Loose Powder in NC45 to set concealer and Ben Nye Banana Powder for highlight Bronzer: MAC Mineralize SkinFinish in Sun Powder Eyes: Costal Scents eyeshadow in Black on lid with a splash of purple sparkle eyeshadow, purple sparkle and a magenta pink along lower lash line Contour: Black Radiance Pressed Powder in Rich Mahogany Lips: Maybelline Color Whisper in Oh La Lilac Lashes: Lash Brat Lashes "Sasha" For all my makeup lovers looking to expand their knowledge of the craft, Make Up For Ever opens the doors of their TV& Cinema Academy in Paris at Cite du Cinema. It is said that students will have the privilege of learning alongside top professionals. They will benefit from numerous qualitative internships in order to experiment a real backstage working condition. The teachers are recognized professional expert of the industry: move and TV Makeup Artists, SFX and prosthetic specialists, wigs and postiches artist. International Masters will be invited for conferences and seminars for weekend courses.
The Cinema Academy's programs are ope to Junior or Experienced professional Make-Up Artists who have graduated of a make-up college (or can prove solid professional experience) and wish to specialize in TV and Cinema make-up. Two trainers are available: long training (1 to 3 weeks). For More Info Contact Adrien Potencier at [email protected] I share this info because I love to challenge my readers and everyone who knows me to think bigger than your present position. Why not go to Paris and learn more to better yourself? There will always be doubters and haters, then there will be you PROVING THEM WRONG!!!!! Enjoy your trip boo and your learning experience. I'm sure considering going!!!!! I shared this story briefly on my social media sites, and just had to share with my Beauty Blog readers. This week I was blessed to discover that God yet again, proved himself. I began creating my vision board in 2009. Each year I update it, adding things and removing things. In Mid 2013 I decided it was one of those times to update the vision of what I wanted for my life. I began to see myself developing more as a woman and an artist. One of the things I placed on my board was the word "MAGAZINE". When I did this my frame of mind and the words I spoke out of my mouth were "My makeup looks will be in a published magazine". This week I was informed that vision for my life that I spoke into existence came into fruition. The model I had the pleasure of working with for the feature is Kayla G of Baton Rouge, LA by way of Houston, TX. This young lady is doing her thing at the age of just 23yrs old. She recently started her own cosmetic line called Desire by Kayla G and now has begun designing her very own line of waist trainers called Shaped by Kayla G. She is a trained dancer who a few years ago began modeling. Kayla G was chosen to be featured as the Net Chick of the Week for Hip Hop Weekly Magazine, a very popular page in the magazine. Check out the feature below or pick up your copy of Hip Hop Weekly Magazine today.